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Things I believe: There are no coincidences. There are no accidents. Everything is symbolic. Everything is relative. We're all a little crazy. "The truth is out there." There *is* something greater than us, only it's probably not other than us; it's more likely deep inside us. "The universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight long enough you end up where you were." (There's a Modest Mouse quote for almost every situation.) "All you need is love." (And food, things you enjoy and, occasionally, medication) That which doesn't kill us doesn't kill us. Breathe. Anyway you can. As long as you can.


The Ride Home

Almost home from from a nice little road trip with my husband, aka "Herbie the Pervie". We stopped half way to spend a night with my dearest grandparents in their summer home. I love seeing them there instead of their other home because I don't have a million friends to visit while being in the vicinity. Though I adore all of my friends, my grandparents get the attention they deserve this way and I don't feel over stretched by the obligatory trips to and fro. Only bad thing was, no sex. Oh well. They're worth it.

Yesterday we witnessed the wedding of two of my coolest friends. It was long overdue (7 years... really dude???) but a perfect excuse to party like rock stars. Seriously, I know the groom and his buddies made a lot of the big stuff or had it on hand from shows (they work for a production company) but they put a LOT of work and money into everything! I've never seen anything more classy and beautiful. From things like lawn games, ceiling fans under the food tent, small (but sweet) smoking areas, down to small details that were really great - personalized handmade soaps, matchbooks and bird food mixes, paper fans and umbrellas - fucking elegant, man. Those fans and umbrellas were life savers considering it was over 100 degrees with the heat index. Did I mention that Zingerman's catered? I wish I had more pictures but the ones I've got are more of people than things and I don't really want y'all looking at my peeps. :D

Save the Date Collage

I was a little disappointed that many of the people I looked forward to seeing couldn't make it. As it turned out, I didn't know most of the people there (especially at the "Happily Ever After Party"... there was almost an entirely different crowd) and didn't drink (neither did my extra-introverted Husbert,) so we were wallflowers for the most part. We did get to hang with a few people I know here and there, but the ones I'm closest to were caught up in the wedding party a lot of the time. I'm glad I didn't miss the shindig though I was tempted to skip it due to self esteem issues, lack of dough and the depression-induced desire to isolate myself. I almost punked out. I would have been bummed. At least now I can give the others shit.

I love the fuck out of those kids. I'm glad they didn't forget about me. Also glad I was daring enough to show a little leg in my pretty blue dress without feeling too weird about it; Herbie got us a hotel room (read: special time with husband/shower between wedding and reception) and that I took the other dress so I had something less sweaty and more comfortable to wear to the Happily Ever After Party. It was nice. Well played.

I also realized that I spent over three full days with the husband and we never got into an argument despite my short temper and directions (read: control issues). He's wearing some really sexy new shades. I love this guy. He's been putting up with a lot of shit from me lately. I'm lucky he's become more patient as I've become less. He's a pretty good guy, if I hadn't told you. I'm glad he came with me. A little surprised, but VERY thankful.

Back to those shades and his handsome face... Gotta go.

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